Edit Microsoft Access Mde File
MDE file format is a protected form of Microsoft Access database (.MDB), database owners convert their (.MDB) files into (.MDE) in order to execute VBA code but prevent users from reading or editing that VBA code and in the same time allow users to update data and run reports without exposing the original database. If you have lost your original (.MDB) database, it will not be possible to restore it back to the original MDB form unless you use 'MDE Unlocker for Microsoft Access' which (using a simple- to-use wizard) will allow you to convert your protected (.MDE) file into the original full database but without the VBA code and you will have to completely rewrite the lost VBA code again.
Microsoft Office Access 2007 creates files in a new file. New features of the Access 2007 file. This format takes the place of the.mde file name extension.
Microsoft Access Edit Table
In case you don't want to lose your original VBA code, the program can unlock the database in just a few seconds. So you can edit the database as usual in Microsoft Access and add as many macros or edit forms or reports the same way you edit any (.MDB) file but without the ability to edit or see the original VBA code. And once you have finished editing your database, the program will re-lock it back to (.MDE) file format keeping the original VBA code working and untouched.
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