Smite Poseidon Patch Notes

  1. Zeus Poseidon Patch

Celestial Voyage Event Discover the world of ancient Hieroglyphs as you join your favorite Egyptian gods on a Celestial Voyage! Along your journey you will unlock secrets, solve challenging puzzles, and earn celestial-themed rewards. The one secret we can tell you now – there are many rewards for all who wish to traverse the stars. There will be 12 Quests for you to embark on, each giving you a Hieroglyph that can be used to unlock Bonus Rewards. To claim each Bonus Reward, purchase one of the event skins to get a Craft Token.

When the Craft Tokens are combined with the correct Hieroglyphs (in the correct order), the Celestial Portal will activate and bring forward your reward. Make sure to read the hints provided to figure out the correct sequence! Direct Purchase Skins. Star Lancer Anhur (Exclusive). Star Tamer Bastet (Exclusive).

Hi-Rez Studios has announced SMITE 4.5 patch notes featuring Poseidon visual update. In this patch, Poseidon has updated base.


Star Eater Khepri (Exclusive). Star Strike Neith (Exclusive) Celestial Voyage Collection Bonus. Star Scribe Thoth (Limited) Bonus Rewards. Loading Frame (Limited).

Zeus poseidon patchSmite Poseidon Patch NotesPoseidon patch

Background Loading Screen (Limited) – NEW FEATURE!. Pedestal (Limited). Music Theme (Limited). Miscellaneous. All Items, God Abilities, and Relics should now properly follow Slow stacking rules.

Item Slow effects are all strongest wins. This means the strongest Slow applied by an Item is the only Slow that will affect a God.

Items can stack with Relic and God Ability Slows. God Abilities should all stack with all other Slows from any source. Relics should behave like God abilities, and should stack with all other Slows from any source. Relics cannot stack with themselves however. Updated the list of Items and Relics that are announced to your team when purchased.

Added Magic Shell. Added Meditation. Added Phantom Veil. Added Frenzied Ritual. Added Void Shield. Added Spiked Shield. Added Runic Shield.

Removed Sage’s Stone. Removed Stone of Fal. Clan Banning. Clan Leaders can now ban players using the syntax /clanban and can unban players using /clanunban.

A player must be kicked from the Clan before they can be banned from the Clan. Fixed an issue where Gold and Experience earned while dead would not be counted towards your team Gold and Experience in the Combat Log. Flickering Ritual “In 4.3, Flickering Ritual had an unintended nerf.

In our internal testing, we attempted reducing its range as an alternative nerf to the cost increase but we ended up cutting it before it went live due to how it altered the feel of the Ritual. However, due to some patching magic, it made its way into live. We watched it closely to see if this was something we wanted to hotfix but instead, saw a large reduction in frustration from players around the Ritual while it still saw active play. Due to this, we are keeping both the cost adjustment from 4.3 and the unintended range nerf and making it an official change.” Updated the description of this item to properly convey its new range (40 units). Hydra's Lament “Hydra’s Lament has become a core item on many Assassins, giving them a large power spike in the early game and allowing them to take control of the early game very quickly. We wanted to slow down this particular build path just a bit to make sure alternative strategies can see success.

Hydra’s Star is seeing a cost increase to force players to commit into the build a bit more before buying Hydra’s Lament.” Increased Cost from 1000 → 1200 Hydra’s Lament remains the same cost (2150 Gold). Masamune “Masamune is an interesting hybrid item that gives very aggressive stats and then rewarding you with defenses for engaging with the enemy. This item is seeing an increase in the defenses the Passive provides to better encourage and reward players who can fully utilize it.” PASSIVE: Increased the protections provided by each stack from 5 → 7 Relic Stacking Changes “Relics and Relic Upgrades could stack which encourages a strange game state of never wanting to upgrade your Relic if a teammate already had the upgraded Relic. We have fixed this so now Relics and Relic Upgrades will no longer stack with themselves.” A ll Relics have been updated to not stack with their Upgraded form. Cursed Ankh.

Heavenly Wings. Horrific Emblem. Magic Shell.

Meditation Cloak Upgrade. Phantom Veil. Sundering Spear. Cernunnos “Cernunnos immediately sprung onto the Battleground and made an impact. Our goals with the following changes are to bring him more in line with other hunters, reduce frustrations when fighting against him, and keep Shifter of Seasons an impactful part of his kit. The largest change is the removal of the Slow on Bramble Blast.

Cernunnos was able to zone his enemies too effectively with this Ability, allowing him to remain safe and control the battle at the same time. We are also reducing his Base Power to tone down his early game, while Spring Lifesteal is seeing a nerf to reduce his sustain during all stages of the game.” General R educed Base Power from 40 → 37 Shifter of Seasons Reduced Base Power from 40 → 37 Bramble Blast This ability no longer Slows. Jing Wei “ During the Season 4 patch, we promised to keep an eye on all of our changes, and help those that ended up being affected too negatively by any change. Jing Wei is a God we have been keeping a particularly close eye on due to her ability to decide metas with her playstyle. We are reverting some of our previous nerfs to her base stats to give her back some boxing potential and are buffing one of her main tools of aggression to encourage her to get in and fight.

We will continue to watch her as these buffs roll out and will continue to adjust her if these changes aren’t enough to bring her back into line with other Hunters.“ Base Stats I ncreased Base Health from 72 → 78 per Level I ncreased Base Movement Speed from 365 → 370 Explosive Bolts D ecreased Cooldown from 16s → 14s. Nemesis “ Nemesis’ Swift Vengeance is seeing a large change in how it is used. Before, if you canceled Swift Vengeance before using the second dash, the ability would go on Cooldown and you would lose the second dash. Now when cancelled, Nemesis will have up to 2 seconds to use the Ability again even if other Abilities or Basic Attacks are used.

This should allow skilled Nemesis players to get additional damage and control during the 2 second window and will make Nemesis a less predictable.“ Swift Vengeance N emesis can now use Abilities and Basic Attacks in between her first and second dash. Her second dash still goes on Cooldown after 2 seconds. Thoth “Baiting enemies to use their escapes and Cooldowns due to Final Judgement has become a staple for Thoth players, but a frustration point for his enemies. With no penalty, it was something that could be done with no downside that put a large amount of pressure on enemy players. We want to preserve the mind games this allows for, but not for free. Now, Thoth needs to spend Mana to cancel Final Judgement, limiting the times Thoth players can play with this skill before running out of Mana.” Final Judgement Increased Mana Cost from 90 → 100 C ancelling this Ability now costs 30 Mana.

Poseidon Details Card type: God Pantheon: Greek Rarity: Legendary Description: Replace your Leader Ability with The Kraken! Damage: 2 Health: 2 Movement: 3 Mana cost: 4 This article is a Stub. You can help Smite Wiki. Poseidon is one of the God for the Greek pantheon in. Poseidon is a melee unit that deals 2 damage and has 2 health. His special ability replaces your current Leader Ability with The Kraken. The Kraken Leader Ability costs 3 mana and deals 2 damage to all enemies within a 2x2 square.

Zeus Poseidon Patch

Notes. Poseidon appears as a playable character in, another game developed by Hi-Rez Studios.

This entry was posted on 17.09.2019.