Fsx Fs2crew Pmdg 777 1.1 Version Installer

  1. Pmdg 777 Download

Attention FS2Crew 777 Drivers: The Version 3.1 update has been released! This is a FREE update. All FS2Crew 777 users should install it. VERSION 3.1 IS BUILT INTO THE MAIN INSTALLER ONLY.

Fsx: microsoft version; fs2crew: pmdg 777. Version 3.1 is built into the main installer only. Please see the fs2crew support forum at avsim.com for the full change. First you need to install version 1.0 with crack available on tpb. FS2CREW PMDG 777 ***** WWW.FS2CREW.COM 1. TO AVOID 'WRITE PERMISSION' ISSUES, FSX.


PLEASE GIVE THEM A FEW DAYS TO UPDATE THE FILE ON THEIR SYSTEM. YOU DO NOT NEED TO UNINSTALL FS2CREW 777 FIRST. IF YOU REQUIRE ASSISTANCE, SEND US A SUPPORT TICKET VIA: WWW.FS2CREW.COM CHANGE LOG: VERSION 3.1 JANUARY 26 2017 FIXED/UPDATED:. Logo light will no longer turn back on after being shut off by the FO when climbing through 10,000 feet. When using Hard or Soft Mute, the Green Bar will no longer appear on the screen when sound is detected.

Crash with the Decision Altitude set above 10,000 feet (at airports like Bogota) eliminated during the Approach Brief playback. Cabin PA associated with showing films removed since all airlines now use IFEs.


During the After Landing Flow, the FO will no longer set the flaps to 20 during cold weather procedures. Instead he will leave them in the original position as per the FCOM. VERSION 3.0 SEPTEMBER 29 2016 FIXED:.

Select sound files updated. UK Global Voice set issue fixed (Note: there is not need to re-install the Global FO Voice set as the fix is inside the main program itself). Touch and go bug fixed during 2nd circuit. After landing flow with spoiler as trigger fixed (Button Control) VERSION 2.1 JULY 5 2016 FIXED. Audio system updated. In the past, some users with 7.1 Surround Systems may have experienced difficultly with certain sound channels.

This issue should now be resolved. Touch and Go functionality. Please see the 'Procedures' section in the manual for further info. Removed key command (Water Rudder Toggle) that could be used to open the Brief Panel to avoid a conflict with RAAS, since RAAS now uses that key command. FO will no longer set the Seatbelts to AUTO at 10,000 in case of turbulence. Releasing the Cabin Crew and Cabin is now your responsibility. The PDF manual has been updated to V2.0.

FO will now turn off the Center Fuel pumps in cruise as necessary. NEW VOICE COMMANDS:. Start Engine One Cross Bleed Start. Start Left Engine Cross Bleed Start.

Start Engine Two Cross Bleed Start. Start Right Engine Cross Bleed Start. Auxiliary Fuel Pump Off. Set Takeoff Thrust NEW CALLOUTS:. Heading XXX.

Speed XXX. Altitude XXX. Flight Level XXX.You would make these calls when you manually set associated MCP value as part of good CRM. Two Hundred (This is the Emirates version of 'Alert Height'.). Alert Height FIXED:. ASDEX bug during Before Start Flow.

Set Heading '360' fixed. VERSION 1.8 MARCH 11 2016. FIXED:. System for displaying text on the FS2Crew panels updated and brought up to NGX Reboot, Aerosoft Airbus and Majestic Dash 8 standards. The text on the FS2Crew Panel should now display properly even at very high monitor resolutions. Rejected takeoff command in Voice Control changed from 'STOP' to ' REJECT REJECT'. This was done to prevent problems should 'STOP' have been heard by the speech recognition system even though the user did not deliberately say 'STOP'.

Landing Lights Control Altitude user option will now save automatically as per user request. VERSION 1.7 OCTOBER 11 2015. FIXED/UPDATED:. Improved French voice set. Many of the French voices were re-recorded and they now conform to International French. Button Control: Go Arounds may now be triggered even after you have announced 'LANDING'. 'Clear Left' voice command now functional during taxi out and taxi in.

This callout may be used when crossing runways. The FO will no longer attempt to set the IFSD.

FO will now turn the Logo lights off in the climb at 10,000 feet. FO's 1000 foot call is now always based on BARO. NEW:. Prepar 3D V3 installer support!. New Voice Commands: CANCEL THE BAROS / RESET THE BAROS.

Note that the FO will not press the RESET button because we cannot read the position of the RST button due to an SDK limit. New Voice Announcements: MANUAL FLIGHT / GOING ON HEADSET / GOING ON SPEAKERS. FMA Voice Annoucements modifed: LOCALIZER CAPTURE / GLIDESLIPE CAPTURE. FO will respond 'Checked'. VERSION 1.5 MAY 15 2015.

FIXED/UPDATED:. If using the Cold and Dark panel state, it was possible in certain situations to trigger a CTD when asking the FO to start Engine 2.

This is now fixed. (Note: If the ground equipment is still connected when you ask to Start Engine 2, you will now need to remove the ground equipment manually via the PMDG Ground Connections menu.). If the Ground Air Conditioning Cart is connected to the aircraft, the FO will not set the Packs to Auto during his Pre-Flight setup flow.

He shall leave the Packs off as per Boeing SOP. If using the spoiler to trigger the after landing flow, it was possible the FO could perform the After Landing flow twice. This is now fixed. Positive Rate/Climb Call during a Go-Around below 400 feet fixed. NEW:. Voice Commands: CONTINUE, VISUAL and PLEASE DISCONNECT THE GROUND EQUIPMENT.

If you call 'Visual', the FO will no longer make approach callouts. 'Please disconnect the ground equipment' removes all connected ground equipment.

As per a user request, there's new option in the CFG sub menu to have the FO press STD on his EFIS panel himself when passing the TA/TL. French Voice Set. In the CFG options, ' FR' is now available as a crew accent set. We promised a French voice set and we delivered! Also note that, if using Voice Control, you can speak in French in some situations with the phrases below. Note that your speech recognizer still needs to be set to ENGLISH - US, but the system will still understand you if you speak French using the phrases below. We tested the system with both continental French and Quebec French accents and the results were good.

For more details, please consult the updated Tutorial. FRENCH LANGUAGE VOICE PHRASES/COMMANDS:. oui. non. merci. merci beacoup.

vous etes pret pour le briefing de depart. vous etes pret pour le departure brief. vous etes pret pour le briefing d'approche. vous etes pret pour l'approach brief. d'autres questions. des questions. cockpit pour le sol.

le demarrage de la sequence est deux puis une. le demarrage de la sequence est une puis deux. VERSION 1.4 FEB 13 2015 FIXED/UPDATED:. ' SET XXX.XX ON (STANDBY) COMM 1 / 2' AND ' SWAP COMM 1 / 2' now functional. In the 'Button Control' version, it's no longer possible to trigger the 'OKAY TO CLEAN UP' command unless this aircraft is on the ground. NEW:. P3D 2+ support.

Very important: There are two FS2Crew 777 Config Managers. One for P3D and one for FSX. If you want to use the P3D version, you will need to install FS2Crew via the new P3D install option in the FS2Crew installer.

Next, you will need to enable FS2Crew in the P3D version of the 777 Config Manager. How do you access the 777 Config Managers? There should be two shortcut icons on your desktop for the FS2Crew 777 Config Manager. One for P3D and one for FSX. See the screen shots below to ensure you're using the right Config Manager. You can also access the Config Managers via START - ALL PROGRAMS - FS2CREW2014.

Voice command: ' RECALL EICAS (eye cas)' FIXED/UPDATED:. ' SET XXX.XX ON (STANDBY) COMM 1 / 2' AND ' SWAP COMM 1 / 2' now functional. In the 'Button Control' version, it's no longer possible to trigger the 'OKAY TO CLEAN UP' command unless this aircraft is on the ground.

Pmdg 777 Download

Fs2crew pmdg 777

VERSION 1.3 FEB 2 2015 FIXED/UPDATED:. Audio problem/No sound for some users. Packs off Takeoffs. FO will now turn off TERR on his side at 10,000 feet (based on Dep Brief setting in the 'Concerns' field). Headset position no longer saved (to avoid potential audio problems). PDF manual updated to include extra voice commands. Duplicate call for the Before Takeoff Checklist (Button Control).

Incorporated into Version 1.3A. VERSION 1.2 JAN 31 2015 FIXED/UPDATED:.

Installer no longer refers to the Majestic Dash 8 if it cannot detect the PMDG 777. The Pilot Monitoring (the FO) will now read back the autobrake setting during the Descent Checklist since the autobrake is in his area of responsibility, not yours as the Pilot Flying. During the FO's Pre-Flight flow, the FO will now set the ISFD to Inches/Millibars as appropriate.

If you skip the Pre-Flight flow, the FO will perform this action again during his Before Taxi flow. ' MISSED APPROACH' removed as a possible trigger to initiate a go around to prevent a possible conflict with the ' MISSED APPROACH ALTITUDE SET' call.

To initiate a go-around, speak: ' GO AROUND'. The ' ARE YOU READY FOR THE DEPARTURE BRIEF' voice command is now available up to Runway Entry Procedure mode. If using the Paper Checklist option, the FO will no longer set the lower screen to the Flight Controls page when you call ' CLEAR ON THE LEFT'. When turning on the hydraulic pumps, the FO will now turn C2 on before C1. When turning the pumps off, he'll turn off C1 before C2.

In the Before Taxi Checklist, the FO will state the actual position of the EAI/WAI switches. If the external Air Conditioning Unit is attached to the aircraft, the FO will not set the Packs and Re-circulation fans to Auto during his Pre-Flight flow as the Packs and Recirc fans should remain in the Off position. The FO will turn on the Packs and Re-circulation fans during his Before Taxi flow. Sound files associated with being asked if you are ready to start the boarding have been fixed. US female FO 'Gear up' recording edited so it sounds less like 'Geard up'. ' LET'S TAXI BACK TO THE RUNWAY' voice command (used after a Rejected Takeoff) fixed. Cold weather procedures: calling for the Takeoff Flaps during the Before Takeoff checklist with the flaps left in the up position for taxi fixed.

Heading Select command in Button Control. NEW FEATURES:. Installer support for the Steam version of FSX.

Headset Button Position on Main Panel now saved. New option to reload the audio system. Used if your audio suddenly cuts out for no apparent reason.

This is usually due to hardware/driver issues. 'Right Click' the Red Button also used to perform the Audio test.

will now display your Flight Number and Distance to Destination. (This data is taken direct from the PMDG's FMC.).

'Right Clicking' on the CFG button on the Main Panel will exit the CFG sub-menu. At 1000 feet during the approach, the PM/FO will announce 'APPROACH STABLE / APPROACH NOT STABLE'. Decision Height (Radio) can now adjusted in increment of +/- 1 if desired. NEW FMA CALLOUTS:. FLIGHT DIRECTOR NEW VOICE COMMANDS:.




Option to use Aerologic (Cargo Company) callouts. ' CLEAR OF THE APRON BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECKLIST'.

At 500 feet, the FO will call 'FLIGHT DIRECTOR' or 'LAND3'. Option for the FO/PM to call 'GO' instead of 'V1' during takeoff. ( Lufthansa).

Option for the FO/PM to call 'POSITIVE CLIMB' instead of 'POSITIVE RATE'. VERSION 1.1 NOV 21 2014 FIXED:. US Accent Gate Agent re-recorded as the current version sounded a bit echoey. Keyboard/Joystick assignment for Hard Mute. FO turns off Dome Light properly during Before Start flow if flying at night.

If ASDEX (ground radar selected) on the Brief Panel, FO will now set the Xponder to TARA during his Before Start Flow. (TARA is not a mistake. In fact, Cathay, for example, leaves their Xponder in TARA all the time).

Go Around procedures fixed. (In Voice Control, you can now also all for a Go Around prior to completing the Landing Checklist.). CLEARED / LANDING /NOT CLEARED voice calls will now work prior to the Landing Checklist being completed. FO will reset his Chronometer during his shutdown flow.

Foreign language translations in Ops Manual for opening and closing the Main Panel key/joystick assignments corrected. FO will no longer respond to voice commands when he's out on the walkaround. If you reply 'SET AND CHECKED' during the Approach Checklist for the Altimeters challenge, the Descent Checklist should no longer play. The 'TRANSITION ALTITUDE STANDARD SET' voice call will now work prior to the flaps being fully up. This is useful at airports with very low Transition Altitudes. Thru-Flights Pre-Flight Events reset for Button Control.

The crew will no longer read back the first 0 (for example, in 0998 HPA) during Altimeter Setting checks. In this case, the crew would simply say 998. The Descent Checklist will now accept 'Minimums' values to an extra place. Example: ' MINIMUMS ONE ZERO ZERO ONE FEET'. FO will turn on landing lights (should they have been turned off during the After Takeoff flow) after a Go Around on a 2nd approach after you call for gear down.

Fixed a typo in the installer that referred to the Majestic Dash 8 instead of the PMDG 777 if the PMDG 777 host aircraft was not installed correctly. NEW FEATURES:.


Right/Left clicking in the black rectangular box on the Brief Page in the DA/DH section will increase/decrease the DA/DH by 100 feet. At the end of the FO's preflight flow, the FO will say he's 'Ready for the Checklist'.

PA panel now directly connected to the PA mic button on the 777's audio panel. New button to force the ECL pop-up closed if for some reason it does not close. To use, right-click the current HELP button on the Main Panel. New Cold Weather procedures: During the Before Taxi procedure, speak: ' LEAVE THE FLAPS UP FOR TAXI' when you would usually call for the takeoff flaps. Call for the Takeoff Flap prior to running the Before Takeoff Checklist. New speech grammar to accommodate Virgin SOPs: ' STABLE, MISSED APPROACH ALTITUDE SET'.

During the FO's shutdown flow, the FO will reset the Transponder to 2000, and set the MCP Heading to 360, Altitude to 10000 and Speed to 250. FO's shutdown flow time drastically reduced based on feedback from a 777 Cathay Pacific pilot. Takeoff flap setting in the Before Taxi now determined by your Voice Command, rather than the takeoff flap setting selected on the Brief Panel. During the Flight Controls check, the FO will move the Flight Controls page to the Captain's PFD. FO Before Takeoff Flow: FO will now set Terrain and Weather on his side as briefed.

The position of the 'LOCK' Panel button and 'HS' Headset is now saved. The FO's After Landing flow can now be triggered by stowing the speed brake when vacating the runway. Button Control: Transition Altitude selection available prior to Flaps up. A few 'coughing' sounds to help give the impression a human (the FO) is beside you during the flight. Members 462 posts Joined 7 Years, 3 Months and 19 Days Ago.

Posted Today, 07:10 PM i notice that there is a warning that we can only download the base package so many times before the download link expires. Thats fair enough but if we are forced to download the installer again each time there is an update then we are using up our download quota each time. Is this correct, if so should it be this way? Should our quotas not be diminished when we have updates to download? The way it works: 1. If you need us to reset your download limit, please send us a Support Ticket via: www.fs2crew.com 2.

We'll check your account and look at your IP / download history to ensure there's no funny business going on, and reset your download limit.

This entry was posted on 02.10.2019.